There are many details that go into a well-executed field trip… Here are some of the key details we get asked about frequently:
How to Get Here
The Grist Mill and Gardens is located at 2691 Upper Bench Road, just north of the Village of Keremeos on Hwy 3A. It’s an approximately 35 minute bus ride from Osoyoos or Penticton, or a 45 min ride from Princeton. Parking is available for school buses or carpooled cars at no charge.
Nestled in the Similkameen Valley at the edge of semi-arid desert, Keremeos gets significantly less rain than Penticton and the changing seasons (spring and fall) tend to arrive a week earlier than in the South Okanagan. By May, it’s not uncommon to have days that reach as much as 30C. No matter your planned activities, come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear.
Payment for your field trip is due on the day of your visit and can be paid by school cheque, credit card or cash–no personal cheques are accepted; if you require an invoice beforehand for your school of PAC, please let us know.
Some groups choose to enhance their visit by dressing in period costume. Historically, girls would commonly wear a cotton pinafore over a cotton dress, with black or brown leather shoes and a cloth bonnet or Victorian hat. Boys would typically wear a cotton collared shirt with a vest or suspenders, with wool, corduroy or denim pants, with black or brown leather shoes and a period cap or hat. We may be able to make available a limited number of caps and bonnets for younger students–if you’re interested, please ask!
Code of Conduct
The Grist Mill is a safe and welcoming place for visitors of all ages, and we must all take special care to protect the important features and artifacts on the site. We request that there be at least one adult for every ten students–and double that for your youngest groups.
Please Encourage
- Questions and conversations
- The group sticking together
- Keeping to the schedule
- Respect for the site, the artifacts and people
- Use of the garbage and recycling containers
Please Discourage
- Running, rough play or inappropriate behavior
- Rough handling of buildings or artifacts
- Smoking or vaping anywhere on site
Your class is more than welcome to bring their own snacks and lunches for your visit, or we’re happy to prepared delicious and nutritious bagged lunches for your group.Adult leaders may also be able to purchase lunch from our restaurant, during its open season. If you’d like to arrange lunch for you, please let us know two weeks before your visit.